Data Manager™ Service

Cut your legal hold costs by 90%.
Making it easy to secure backup data.

With the Data Manager Service, NetBackup data, either as backup or archive, whether on disk or on tape, can be discovered and electronically secured without ever having to recall tapes or sacrifice the ability to restore data. Now it's easy to do data preservation and legal holds for electronic discovery with Data Manager. The built-in native application connectors to Symantec/Veritas NetBackup, ensures seamless integration and ease of deployment to deliver secure and reliable information management to meet todays legal requirements.

Article Seven questions every CIO should be able to answer about eDiscovery and legal holds.

Data Manager Service for Legal Departments & Litigation Support

Legal departments are faced with several challenges around electronic discovery, one in particular is the challenge of preserving backup data. There are significant concerns around the risk of preserving too much data or too little data.

Risks of preserving too much data:

Risks of preserving too little data:

Data Manager reduces these risks by giving legal departments the ability to preserve only the relevant data that's required for eDiscovery of ESI. Thus reducing a companies legal and financial risk.

Data Manager Service for I.T.

I.T. departments are faced with many technical challenges when it comes to electronic discovery. The largest challenge, and perhaps the one with the greatest potential risk to the organization is data found in data storage systems, particularly in data backup systems such as tape backup. Backup systems, whether the data resides on tape or on disk, are a veritable gold mine during discovery. As every good backup administrator knows, just because a file was deleted from disk last year, doesn't mean it's not available to be restored from backup for anyone who needs it. And that data is also discoverable during legal proceedings.

Therein lies the problem when responding to a hold notification from the legal department. The biggest risks and challenges for storage teams and backup administrators when responding to a legal hold notification:

Data Manager reduces these risks by giving I.T. departments the ability to preserve data in their Symantec/Veritas NetBackup systems at a granular level all the while maintaining the businesses requirements for data retention even after the legal hold is released. Additionally, Data Manager can manage all of a companies legal holds at the same time, even of shared data sources and provide comprehensive reporting of the data, tapes, images, gigabytes protected and financial impact of each legal hold. All of this is done without ever having to touch a single backup tape.

Article Seven questions every CIO should be able to answer about eDiscovery and legal holds.

Data Manager Service for Records & Compliance Departments

Records and Compliance Departments are faced with several callenges when it comes to ensuring electronic information is retained and managed according to business requirements. The largest challenge, and prehaps the one with the greatest potential risk to the organization is data found in data storage systems, particularly in data backup systems such as tape backup. Backup systems, whether the data resides on tape or on disk, maintain seperate and unique information life cycles. Often the backup policies and data retention are disjoined from the requirements of the business or challenged by legal hold notifications for eDiscovery. Once a backup job has completed, the data's life cycle has been set and cannot be changed while maintaining the data's history and origional retention settings.

However, with Data Manager, changing a backup sets' retention is easy. Companies can now alter the expiration and retention of backups well after backups have completed, even years later. With Data Manager, records and compliance officers can easily work with backup and storage teams to manage backup data and maintain a history and full audit trail of activities for all backups completed in your company. Not only that, companies can produce full financial impact reports of changes to the data storage environment. All this, and never having to touch a single backup tape.

Contact us to learn more.